Sure, it’s normal to worry about your new baby, but PP anxiety can get out of control and get in the way of your daily life.
Common symptoms
– Constant worry that can’t be eased
– Dreading bad things will happen
– Sleep issues
– Racing thoughts
– Inability to complete tasks ?
This can lead to
– Fatigue
– Heart palpitations
– Digestion issues
– Trembling
– Chest pain
– Dizziness
PP Anxiety and depression often go hand in hand and play a huge part in starting or sticking with a workout routine. ?
? We all know exercise helps anxiety and depression, but what to do when you can’t get past it to the point of even starting a workout in the first place?
I have seen this in many clients, and simply having more “willpower” is not the answer. They often describe it as a feeling of being “glued to the couch” and no matter how much they want to work out they just can’t make it happen or have a hard time leaving their baby long enough to do it.
? This is when I suggest they reach out to a professional for help. Lifestyle changes, therapy, herbal remedies, and medication can be so helpful and get you in a place where you are READY to start exercising again.
You aren’t alone mama. Actually, almost 20% of women deal with this. Make sure to reach out to others for help!