When I was younger school always started the day after Labour Day ??. We got to pick out our new school supplies, a new planner, new clothes. It was a chance to decide who we wanted to be for the year. I mean it even went as far as my sister changing her name from Alex to Alexa at one point …. (side note, it didn’t last)
As an adult, I still get the same feeling. I LOVE fresh starts. And if you are even the slightest bit goal-oriented you probably feel the same.
? — So how are you going to show up for yourself this month?
As a mom, I want to be the person my daughter looks up to, I try to set a good example, and model healthy behavior for her and the others in my life. Exercise and healthy eating are a big part of this, and we reinforce how important it is to make this a priority. My daughter learned at a young age that she feels better when she moves her body, gets off her ipad, and fuels her tummy with good food.
I’m in the middle of my own program right now, and it feels REALLY good to have a plan each week. It’s predictable, do-able, and it’s nice to not have to think about what workout I am going to do every day. All I have to focus on is making the time. ?
I invite you to do the same.
My 60-day #MAMASTRONG online program starts September 13th and it’s the perfect way to reach your goals without stressing yourself out.
As a client on my app, you get access to 4 signature strength workouts each week. You can then decide if you want to add the optional core series, mobility series, or HIIT burn series to round out your program.
30 minutes, 4 days a week, and the support you need to make it happen. We will guide you through it, give you all the demo videos you need, check it daily, send reminders, and have thoughtful conversations around food and healthy habits.
Early bird pricing ends 9/9. Save $50 and mentally commit to making it happen. Click here to join. or follow this link fitmamasb.com/60-day-program
Let’s do this mama. Any day can be a fresh start, why not make it now?