
Do you track your cycle? ? KEEP READING ⤵️

As much as it’s great to be intuitive and listen to our bodies, I’ve learned that most people don’t listen very well…? So sometimes they need a little more data on hand, and the first step is getting to know your cycle a little better!! ?

? Biohacking, cycle syncing, whatever you want to call it. It definitely works.

I never paid much attention before, but the more I learn, the more I want to optimize my performance in all the ways.

When I workout and plan things around where I am in my cycle I recover much better, have more energy overall, and after a year of working to be in tune with my body… my hormones are WAY more balanced.

Everyone is happier when I am feeling balanced ?

So that being said ➡️ I NEED YOUR HELP! I am currently looking for beta testers to try out 3 of the workouts from my new 28 day #crackthecode : workout and eat for your cycle program that is coming out next month!

All you gotta do is leave your email (link in bio) and you will get a FREE 20 minute workout delivered to your inbox every 5 days. Try the workout, answer a quick questionnaire, and wait for the next one. Easy!

This will really help me fine tune my program before we launch next month. So are you in??

Santa Barbara Personal Training, Small Group Training, Online and Virtual Training