So there are only a few days left in March! Crazy how the time flies. In terms of how I am doing with my March Madness personal challenge, I am pretty happy where I stand right now! I have been continuing to eat fairly clean, been working out 4-5x/week and getting walks in on my off days.
I mentioned in a previous post that I wanted to explore different areas of Santa Barbara, this week we went for walks at Shoreline Park down to east beach, met some clients at La Mesa Park, and did a hike in Montecito! Really hoping to finish this month strong and make these last few days count.
What’s on the agenda tomorrow? 6 mile run. This should be interesting. My swolemate convinced me that I should sign up for a half marathon with her on Mothers Day. I am not much of a runner, but I must admit I feel different now, running has become slightly easier. Mind you, running after having a baby still feels strange ‘down below’ but I think that’s due to my core still needing some work. I used to HATE running because my hips would hurt, my lungs would hurt, and it was just an awful experience, there was no runners high for me! So this is definitely a new challenge. If tomorrow’s run goes well I will be on track to finish 13 miles at the beginning of May!
Hope you enjoy the pictures! 3 MORE DAYS of March, I will check in with my final measurements and set new goals for April!