

Hey moms…How many of you end up eating your kids leftovers instead of making yourself a balanced meal?

Guilty. ? When it was just Addison and I, I lived on a steady stream of chicken tenders and pasta. Because… I was tired, and was not making myself a priority. ? So finally, I knew something had to change and started meal prepping again. If you’ve been following me for a LONG time you’ll […]

Hey moms…How many of you end up eating your kids leftovers instead of making yourself a balanced meal? Read More »

Dinner the other night, and although it was nothing fancy I looked at my plate and thought, damn that’s a nicely balanced meal. ?

So how do you balance your macros without tracking? ?Balancing your plate is a good place to start. 1/4 protein1/4 carbsFill the rest with veggies or a salad It’s not an exact science here haha, but there is a BIG difference between having rice or pasta as a side dish vs a meal. Carbs aren’t

Dinner the other night, and although it was nothing fancy I looked at my plate and thought, damn that’s a nicely balanced meal. ? Read More »

I’ve been stopped multiple times in a grocery store and asked the most random questions …

“What kind of food do YOU eat?”“Are you an athlete?”“Do you think this is healthy?”“Do you eat cheese?” (Mind you, I am usually just coming from gym, so I guess it’s not that random…haha) It makes me laugh a little. But I get it. If you want to be fit and healthy, look around do

I’ve been stopped multiple times in a grocery store and asked the most random questions … Read More »

Announcement! ? I am super stoked to finally be offering this! I am hosting a 5 day FREE webinar series

The 5 day FREE webinar series, covering some of the biggest struggles my clients are faced with. ➡️ Living the Fit Life: 5-day mini crash course teaching BUSY MOMS everything they need to know to:– Increase your metabolism– Choose workouts that are right for you– Master the grocery store ?– Implement strategies to help you

Announcement! ? I am super stoked to finally be offering this! I am hosting a 5 day FREE webinar series Read More »

Santa Barbara Personal Training, Small Group Training, Online and Virtual Training